Maneki Neko
Beckoning Cat, Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Money Cat or Fortune Cat. These cats first appeared during the later part of the Edo period (1603 – 1867) in Japan. I recently found this wonderful Lucky Cat at an estate sale. It is from 1945 and is adorable. The estate sale had many things from Japan but this charming cat beckoned me to take her home. I think the blue around her eyes are what caught my attention. Many of the Lucky Cats today are made of plastic but this one is made of clay and is also a bank. She measures 13 1⁄2" H X 9" W.
They first became popular in the early 1900’s being purchased for good luck and prosperity.
There are several different stories of how this cat came to be so highly revered.
Now they are often seen in shops for good luck.
This one will be for sale at soon.